What you’d gain with Digital Signage from FasTrax

FTx Control Center to Completely Manage Digital Signage Displays
Integrated Web/Graphic Design Services with FTx Digital Signage System

Increase Profitability Through Affordable Digital Signage Solutions
Hardware and software prices continue to decrease, allowing for increased ROI from digital advertising solutions. Once the initial display is configured, changing the content of retail digital signage is just a few mouse clicks away. With digital display software, there is no need for printed advertisements, long meetings with sales representatives, or other additional costs when you opt for a digital signage system.
Update Content Quickly & Easily
No more waiting for prints to be posted to your retail locations—you can update all of your digital signage advertising software content quickly within our dashboard’s interface. We’ve done all the heavy lifting for you.

Maximizing Targeted Sales
Maintain Full PCI Compliance

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Are you ready to receive the best possible protection for your network? With FasTrax POS, you not only get the point of sale soft we are famous for, but you can also rest assured that we have your network and data safely secured with the latest IT services.